
Not quite sure how much material you need? Use our volume calculator to get an idea of how much material you need for rectangular or square projects. For odd-shaped areas, contact us and we will help you figure out how much material you will need. PND Soil & Gravel has proudly been serving South Vancouver Island for over 50 years. We look forward to helping you on your next project!

PND Material Calculator

No delivery is too small or too big

Call us: 250-478-3322

Mon – Fri:
Sunday: – 2

*Please call before closing hours for early next day service.

Mon – Fri:
Sundays: By appointments only
We are open for Easter weekend. Closed on Victoria Day, Canada Day, and BC Day.

Please phone for service outside these hours.

Dispatch: 1-672-974-3322 (call or text)

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For Soil, Mulch & More Call Today

1119 Finney Rd Victoria, BC  (Off Luxton Rd)